Sewa Sewa MC235B Tower Crane Lease

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Sewa Sewa MC235B Tower Crane Lease
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Polinesia Prancis menggunakan Tower Crane, Island Pitcairn menggunakan Tower Crane,

Putar ketika derek menara, perubahan arah jib derek, kompresi bagian menara dari perubahan tegangan permukaan kontak, baut perubahan tegangan sangat besar, terutama telah kembali ke bagian boom dan jack-up di arah yang berlawanan, derek jib lateral bagian koneksi antarmuka dari ketegangan ke kompresi, kekuatan tarik baut sangat berkurang.

Terutama ketika gaya pra-pengetatan kurang dari terlalu banyak, nilai yang benar cenderung tanpa gaya pra-pengetatan, ini adalah alasan penting lainnya untuk kelonggaran baut.

Ada beberapa unit, manajemen tower crane sangat ketat, awalnya dengan mur mur ganda, hanya dipasang mur ketika pemasangan, sambungan baut anti-lepas asli tidak ada langkah, dan dalam perubahan bolak-balik pekerjaan beban sering, itu mudah lepas.

Selain itu, manajemen kru menara crane tidak ada di tempat, dan operator gagal memeriksa dan mengencangkan baut. Setelah baut menjadi longgar, mereka gagal menemukan pengancing yang tepat waktu, yang akan memperburuk situasi tegangan baut lainnya dan menyebabkan sejumlah besar baut menjadi longgar.

Bahaya sambungan longgar baut bagian standar tower crane

Tubuh menara seperti


dari tower crane, memainkan peran mendukung bagian kerja atas, dan terutama menanggung tekanan aksial, gaya horisontal, momen lentur dan torsi dari bagian kerja atas. Kelonggaran baut yang disebutkan di atas mengacu pada bodi menara yang dihubungkan oleh selongsong baut di antara sambungan standar.

Saat ini, sebagian besar crane menara berukuran kecil dan menengah (60t · m dan di bawah) dari produsen tower crane mengadopsi bentuk sambungan ini, dan bautnya semua baut kekuatan tinggi.

Baut penghubung standar bodi menara tidak boleh longgar, dan kerusakannya sangat serius. Pasal peraturan keselamatan untuk crane menara konstruksi (gb5144-2006) secara tegas menyatakan itu


baut sambungan harus dikencangkan dengan kunci pas torsi atau kunci pas khusus sesuai dengan persyaratan teknis perakitan

, dan persyaratan yang sama dibuat dalam manual pengoperasian crane menara tersebut.

MC235B Tower Crane











When lifting the weight by the boom, M is positive and M is negative after dropping the weight. T is positive when turning on and negative when turning on.


MC235B Tower Crane Lease Rent Hire

In normal operation, the tower crane frequently lifts and drops the heavy objects, and the crane arm starts and brakes repeatedly, which makes the tower body bear the bending moment and torque with alternating and frequent changes of positive and negative values.

As a result, the force on the standard joint bolts keeps changing repeatedly, which is the root cause of the bolt loosening. The working characteristics of the tower crane determine the force characteristics of the standard joint bolts, which is insurmountable. For this reason, all the tower crane manufacturers adopt high strength bolts to connect the standard section of the tower crane.

The specifications of the tower


MC235B Tower Crane Lease Rent Hire

crane and the operating instructions of each tower crane manufacturer all put forward requirements for the installation of this kind of bolt connection, which requires the application of pre-tightening force during installation. Different pre-tightening force values are given for connection bolts of different specifications.

For example, for the commonly used 8.8 class M24 bolts, the pre-tightening force is 155KN. In order to accurately apply the pre-tightening force, it is necessary to calculate the tightening torque acting on the bolt according to the torque coefficient of high-strength bolts. For the above 8.8-class M24 bolts, the theoretical pre-tightening torque is about 700N·m. At present, the installation of tower cranes in chengdu is almost entirely done by tightening bolts with the experience of operators.

Many operators do not even have the concept of preload and theoretical preload torque, let alone the torque to control the bolt preload. In addition, tightening the connection bolts of standard joints is performed at high altitude, and the operating conditions are not good. If the actual pre-tightening torque is applied to 500N, the labor intensity of workers will be greatly increased, and it is not easy to directly twist the pre-tightening torque to meet the requirements by manpower.

It can be seen that the pre-tightening force of the bolts of the actual installation of the tower crane can hardly meet the requirements of the pre-tightening force, which is the important reason for the bolt looseness.


MC235B Tower Crane Lease Rent Hire

In addition, when the tower crane jacking up and adding nodes, the contact surface of the standard joint on the boom side is pulled, and the contact surface of the standard joint on the balance boom side is compressed. Under the action of the same tightening torque, the pre-tightening force in the bolts on both sides is equal.

Rotate when the tower crane, crane jib direction changes, the tower section compression of contact surface tension situation change, bolt the stress change is very big, especially has returned to the boom and jack-up section in the opposite direction, the crane jib lateral section connection interface from tension to compression, the tensile strength of the bolt are greatly reduced.


MC235B Tower Crane Lease Rent Hire

Especially when the pre-tightening force less than too much, correct value is likely to be without the pre-tightening force, this is another important reason for the bolt looseness.

There are some units, the tower crane management is very strict, originally with a double nut bolt, only installed a nut when the installation, bolt connection of the original anti-loose measures no, and in the alternating change of frequent load work, it is easy to loose.

In addition, the management of the tower crane crew is not in place, and the operators fail to inspect and tighten the bolts. Once the bolts become loose, they fail to timely find the fastening, which will worsen the stress situation of other bolts and cause a large number of bolts to become loose.

Danger of loose connecting bolt of standard section of tower crane

The tower body is like the "trunk" of the tower crane, playing the role of supporting the upper working parts, and mainly bearing the axial pressure, horizontal force, bending moment and torque from the top working parts. The bolt looseness mentioned above refers to the tower body that is connected by bolt sleeve between standard joints.

At present, most small and medium-sized tower cranes (60t·m and below) of tower crane manufacturers adopt this connection form, and the bolts are all high-strength bolts.

The standard connecting bolt of tower body is not allowed to come loose, and its harm is very serious. Article of safety regulations for construction tower cranes (gb5144-2006) expressly states that "connection bolts must be tightened with torque wrenches or special wrenches according to assembly technical requirements", and the same requirement is made in the operation manual of such tower cranes.











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