Memperbaiki Sudut 1.6m Untuk L44A1 Tiang
- Cina
- 5 hari
- 20 set
Tower Tower Guam. Tower Crane Kaledonia Baru,
Spesifikasi Produk
Jenis, Model: Memperbaiki Sudut 1.6m Untuk L44A1 Tiang
Ukuran: 1,6M
Gunakan untuk: L44A1, L46A1, L46A2, bagian tiang L46A3, P16A P16E, R16A, R16E, tiang tipe 1.6m L
Bahan: Q345B
Proses: peledakan derusting,
Lukisan: Lukisan Bawah, Lukisan tengah, Lukisan permukaan.
Pabrik kami memproduksi dan memasok hampir semua tower crane merek terkenal: Tiang bagian, Jangkar Bingkai, Memperbaiki sudut, Adaptor dan sebagainya sebagai kualitas dan harga yang baik.
Memperbaiki Sudut 1.6m Untuk L44A1 Tiang
Tower Crane Berbagi pengetahuan :
berurusan dengan kegagalan daya tiba-tiba ketika tower crane bekerja
Ketika tower crane bekerja, bagaimana cara mengatasi kegagalan daya? Bagaimana melakukan pekerjaan penyelamatan dengan cepat dan efektif dan meminimalkan risiko cedera mekanik
Untuk memastikan bahwa operasi derek menara setelah periode yang lama tiba-tiba mati listrik, perawatan darurat khusus dan rencana penyelamatan. Metode perawatan darurat menara pemadaman listrik padam
Memperbaiki Sudut 1.6m Untuk L44A1 Tiang
A, organisasi,
Departemen proyek membentuk tim komando penyelamatan darurat, yang bertanggung jawab atas komando dan koordinasi.
Kedua, tanggung jawab
1. Bertanggung jawab atas perintah di tempat, mengetahui ketinggian angkat dan posisi booming menara crane, dan mengatur pekerjaan penyelamatan di lokasi.
2. Bertanggung jawab untuk perlindungan lokasi, pengaturan cordon, pemeliharaan, dan evakuasi.
3. Bertanggung jawab untuk memberi tahu peralatan tentang posisi untuk mengatur penyelamatan, memanggil petugas penyelamat, dan menghilangkan bahaya pada waktunya.
Prosedur penyelamatan darurat
When the tower crane in the normal operation of a sudden stop fault, so that the lifting object suspended in the air. For a long time, the following emergency measures should be taken
Fixing Angle 1.6m For L44A1 Mast
1. All controllers shall be set to the "0" position to disconnect the total power supply
2, by the professional maintenance personnel discontinuously with the hand to open the hoist brake or open the pull handle, let the lifting object fall, each fall short distance, fall speed shall not exceed the rated speed.
finally make the lifting object to the ground.
3. If there are obstacles and houses under the hanging objects. The following measures should be taken
(1) according to article 2, first lower the lifting object to a safe distance above the object or the house, and then take the measures of braking the co-rotating device or pulling the wave wind rope to prevent it from turning together under the action of wind
Turn the tower crane boom back to the open place, or turn back to the safety part of the building, or temporarily put on the steel platform which can bear the tonnage of the lifting object and monitor, brake and turn together, set up the warning line, and then operate according to article 2
(2) an alert area shall be set under the lifting object, under the supervision of a special person, and personnel shall not walk or work under the lifting object.
(3) if the office area is under the hanging object, the staff in the office under the hanging object must leave temporarily and take measures according to the method in article (2)
(4) if the hanging object is a residential building below, the project department shall persuade and guide the residents in the building below the hanging object and take temporary evacuation measures;
(5) after the power is restored and connected, a comprehensive inspection shall be carried out, and then the lifting object shall be transferred to the designated place for lowering.
4. Immediately organize safety self-examination and self-correction, eliminate hidden dangers, and ensure construction safety
The city is the organization of all construction workers by analogy safety re-education, improve safety awareness, to comply with rules and regulations, to prevent similar accidents.
5. In case of high fall accident in the rescue process, the emergency treatment and rescue plan of high fall accident shall be implemented immediately.
Fixing Angle 1.6m For L44A1 Mast