154HC Mast Section Inspection of tower crane


154HC Mast Section 154HC mast section good at  in this field . 

The inspection of tower crane is divided into two parts: data inspection and entity inspection. In the data inspection, the staff mainly check the files of hoisting machinery and equipment, the registration and filing of installation (disassembly), the full-time mechanical management personnel of the project, and the regular inspection, maintenance and repair records. In the physical inspection, the staff focused on the inspection of various safety devices and protective devices of the hoisting machinery, cross operation of multiple tower cranes and anti-collision safety measures, various electrical safety protection devices, control and control devices, grounding resistance and lightning protection measures, and whether the main chord base metal and welds at the most stressed part of the tower crane have micro cracks, weld cracks and other safety hazards.

154HC Mast Section 154HC mast section good at  in this field . 

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